Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Year, New Team, New Novices

It is not common that all the formation team in a novitiate are changed at the same time, but various circumstances have conspired to bring this about at Tamale this year. The previous director, Br. Vivek da Silva, has moved to a well-earned sabbatical, Br. Henry McGann is providing his experience to the new novitiate team at Stellenbosch in South Africa, and Br. Denis Vaughan is part of a new community at Yambio in southern Sudan.

In their places have come Br. Tony Shanahan from East Africa, as Director; Br. Kevin Delaney, also from East Africa; and Br. Con Cerejo, well-known in Tamale from his previous role as Principal of the Catholic Mission school at Kanvili.

Following the first profession of the previous group of novices last November, we have welcomed a group of 14 new novices. While most are from Africa (Zambia, Kenya and Sierra Leone), two have come all the way from Papua New Guinea, continuing a tradition that began in Tamale with the very first group of Christian Brother novices in 2001, when three young men from PNG did their novitiate training here.

Below you can read about the formal reception for the new novices on February 19, and you can also meet each of the new novices via the photos and short introductions below and in the Archive section.


Christian Brothers Mater Dei District said...

All the best to the young men and New Team in this sacred time of Discernment and formation.


Peter Dowling said...

Excellent information on the new novices, and the material and photos are great. Warm appreciation to you for putting everything into the blog. It is well done and of much interest. Many blessings on all at Tamale.

Peter Dowling

Martin said...

Cousin Tony,

Thank you for sending through the link to the blog, now well marked and I look forward to watching the community grow in faith through the year.

Best wishes,

Martin (Eastwood, Aust)