Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MBTI Workshop

On Friday March 27, after ministry, resting was the last option to think about as we made ourselves available to start a two day workshop on MBTI. It was great to have in our midst men in formation from the FIC and Presentation Brothers, making it a total of 26 participants. It was incredible at the end to come closer to discovering who we are and what makes each of us unique.
Thanks to the facilitators Srs. Mary Kay and Dorez for the well articulated presentation which helped us obtain knowledge of who we truly are in terms of personality preferences.
Praise God for the gift of the rationalists, the idealists, the artisans and the guardians in our community. May we be grow to be truly ourselves and flower freely.
We concluded this self realization workshop by celebrating our diversity in the oneness of love. In our thanks giving remarks to the facilitators, we pledged to use the MBTI input as a tool in our community for building healthy relationships.

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