Wednesday, March 12, 2008

There is nothing better than the smell of wet earth!!

The signs of imminent rain were there for all to see ... the darkening skies, the howling wind blowing dust and the distant smell of wet earth. As the wind died down and the skies got darker the first drops of welcome rain fell on a parched land last evening. The rain continued throughout the night and well into today.

Not only did the rain bring much needed relief from the heat but it provided water for so many people. I am sure many people who would have walked and cycled in search of water will be spared the ardous journey today. Our own tanks are well near full with the harvested rain water.

There is a freshness in the air. Plants and roofs so long covered in red dust are now washed clean. The air thick with dust only a few days ago is now clean and clear.

There is something beautiful about the fact that following the rain all is still and the smell of wet earth still hangs in the air!

The pictures show our rain soaked compound!

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