Monday, September 8, 2008


The day we recall the 'birthday' of the Mary, is a wonderful day to reflect on motherhood and our call to birth God into this world. We remember all our mothers today and mothers all over the world most especially mothers in those areas affected by floods in the Carribean and India, and by famine and drought in Africa.

We pray for mothers who walk miles on end to gather firewood and collect drinking water, who cook in smoke filled kitchens, who wash clothes in rivers and lakes, who have to put up with abusive husbands, who go hungry so that their children may get a morsel of food, who quietly work 18 hour shifts, who stay up all night with the ailing child, and above all we pray for mothers who shower such love and give us our very first experiences and lessons to share this love with all that we meet!
Reflecting on the words of Meister Eckhart and Edwina Gately I am reminded that we are dared to recognise that we are indeed a seed of God and each called to be mother of God -- that is, to actually give birth to the Holy ourselves. We need to recognise that we all carry the Divine potential. Each and every one of us is a God-bearer!

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