Tuesday, May 5, 2009

African Traditional Practices

As we discussed why witchcraft remains strong among Africans, I remember that it is not only witchcraft but some African traditional practices are also strong though the church is trying to suppress them.
For a example in my Luo culture (Kenya), the practice of wife inheritance is common and it is highly rated irrespective of HIV/AIDS prevalence. At the same time, the church is fully against it and trying by all means that the wind of St.Monica blows very strong. St. Monica is a group of women in the Catholic Church especially in Luo Nyanza that have said no to wife inheritance.
To my surprise, this group who do not agree to the custom of wife inheritance, is only recognized in the church. Outside the church, they have strong regulations that the society have set for them. Just to mention a few, they are not allowed to enter any home-stead as they are considered unclean. When they die, nobody is allowed to dig their graves or bury them. That is where St. Monica’s comes in to perform all the burial rites.
To avoid this saga, a number of women have given in to the traditional custom and have allowed themselves to be inherited and later returned to church, while others have lost their Catholic faith and joined other denominations. I therefore feel that there is a great struggle amongst people and it is ranges from witchcraft to African traditional practices and to Christianity. (Otieno)

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